Thursday, November 25, 2010


Meg and I's thanksgiving can be summarize in many ways by these two pictures.

Homework and disposable cameras
Comfy sweaters and chocolate bourbon pecan pie.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 21, 2010


Do you ever get little melodies stuck in your head forever?

That has happened to me.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Welcome to the Family

I have been sick. Miserably sick. So when Keith and I went to the grocery store he let me bring home a friend to keep me company in my sad state.

Meet Peggalandra.

She is full of love and very huggable. We call her Peggie.

Here is a picture of the whole family.

Gil doesn't really like having his picture taken.
I think gets that from Keith.
And me, actually.
We're a very unphotogenic family. Except for Peggy, obviously.

We're all watching Grey's Anatomy now and very happy.

Friday, October 15, 2010

So, so wrong.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is proof of what I have been telling you for months.

Many did not believe me. Many gasped in horror. All felt nauseous.

Dirty socks on the kitchen table.

Welcome to my life.

Friday, October 8, 2010


I'm 22. That's 154 in dog-years for all you who don't understand human years. It's not the same as 22 light-years, because light-years don't measure time they measure distance. Which makes me think:
If light-years measure the distance light covers in a year, what do dog-years measure?

Anyways, I'm 22 which is young. Not very young, just young. I can tie my shoes, drive, vote, hang out at bars, get married. There are probably more things I can do, but I can't remember them. More than just what I can do is what I am, a senior in college, a leader at my church, and a husband. I'm saying this because sometimes I feel old. Most of the time I hang out with people who are younger than I and most of the time this makes me lose perspective.

I look back on my life, and around at my peers and think, "look who God has made me." He made me moderately intelligent, has blessed me with opportunities to use my gifts and given me a beautiful wife. I can be thankful for this but if I stop there, to me, it feels like I'm limiting God. Col 2:6-7 says (NASB):

Therefore as you have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him,
having been firmly rooted and now being built up in Him and established in your faith, just as you were instructed, and overflowing with gratitude.

The verbs Paul uses are two tenses, past and perfect, and what I take out of this is that a correct thankfulness is not one only past reflection, just to our rootedness, but one where we look to what God is continuing to do in us. That's what we are grateful for, God's continued work.

That's why I'm young, and is why I may possibly always stay young. Because once I'm old, and I done becoming, I'm settled down, and I'm simply thankful for what God has done in my life, I've no room for what God has for me and I've no gratitude for God's continued work.

Meg and I are now going to spend the weekend with our Deacon board, and learn from people with much more experience in their lives. Should be fun!

Friday, September 17, 2010


Meet the newest member of our family, Gilbert.

We call him Gil.

We locked eyes in Pier 1 and knew it was meant to be.
But Keith and I knew Gil needed some decoration.
So Keith found a colorful candle holder (good call, hubs).

I think we're going to all be very happy together.

Pier One Imports

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Such is life

Ever wonder how the world works?

What holds the pieces together?

How everything stays in motion?

So have I, and that's why I bring you this video.

Friday, September 10, 2010

One Upper

Keith posted RIGHT AFTER I DID, thus stealing all the attention away from my beautiful plate pictures. I bet you didn't even know about my plate pictures because all you noticed was his vlog. He's trying to steal all the fame and glory.

I can't let that happen.

Thus, this picture:

With this picture on the internet there is no way Keith will reach any degree of fame. I mean, he's eating FUNYONS! Upside-down! And just take a gander at that face. Oh my, the face.

And now I'm off to lock my computer so that Keith cannot get any incriminating photos of me and post them here. Not that any exist. I'm extremely photogenic. Really. I promise.

The Husband Humbler

Decision Matrix?

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Who Knew?

Today I learned something shocking. Unbelievable. Unexpected. Astonishing.

Apparently we have...

wait for it...

two readers! TWO!

Hi Rachael! Hi Tom!
You're both officially my new favorite people.

I feel so honored to know that you're reading. It means that you care (...right?). To commemorate this special occasion I'm going to show you pictures of my new plates. I know, I know, but trust me on this one. They're amzazaing. So amzazaing that I'm not even going to correct the spelling.

I saw them and immediately knew they needed to be in my life even though we already have too many plates. For these cute lil' guys though, I'll make room in my pantry just as I've made room in my heart.

Here's a bonus picture:

Isn't he cute??

If there's anyone else out there reading that I don't know about, I think you're pretty awesome too. And I'm sorry for being so boring.

Until next time (which is when I see you tomorrow, Rachael),

Your Boring Friend

Friday, September 3, 2010

Celebration of Mimes


I'll start you off with a video, then let you ignore it while you look at pictures I took from Celebrationof Mines.
Enjoy the pictures!
Anonymous Right Brains

American Association of Drilling Engineers


Bowling Club

Underground Construction Association?

Slackline Club/Hulahoop Club

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Forgive me

We had a Round Up at the church to meet and welcome new students to Golden and to our church.

There were friendly faces, good food, fun games, cowboy boots and even a blinged out Jesus belt buckle.

But my favorite part was this:

hehe. I can't help myself.

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Coffee Pots and Creme Brulee

My turn.

Keith mentioned that "blog" came from the phrase "web log." I learned that in an article I had to read for a photo class. I also learned that web cams came about because of laziness. At Cambridge University the computer science department was spread far apart, but there was only one coffee pot for all of the professors to

use. Not a good situation. They got so tired of walking all the way to the one coffee pot that one man set up a camera in front of it that took a picture every few seconds. They hooked up the camera to the server and voila-you could see if there was fresh coffee without ever having to leave your desk.

My question is, who made the coffee?

That story really has nothing to do with anything beside the fact that I thought it was interesting. And I like impressing people with my knowledge.

Here are some photos I took last night (in the future I'll make them bigger...maybe):

This is the view from our balcony. It was a 20" exposure time. That's long.

This is what our recycling bin looks like right now. I promise we don't drink that much soda. Keith had a party for his CSM 101 class. (He made fun of me when I told him I was going to post a picture of this. hah).

He can't stay still for too long. I don't think he likes photos of himself.
But he's so cute! Even in blur!

Oo la la, fancy vanilla bean paste I ordered from William Sonoma to use when I make creme brulee.

I don't know what to say here and I feel like I should because I wrote about all the other pictures. I just like this one. Call me crazzzzzzzy.

Until another time.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

New Beginnings

So this is it.

A new idea turned into an internet "web log" or "blog". It may not always be interesting, but it will be something designed for you, who ever you may be.

How this is going to work is Meghann (my wife) and I will alternate posting blogs. They may be photos, they may be textual entries, or they may be "vlogs". Who knows?

All I know is I'm excited for this new year and I hope to see you around.

So to start us off, my standard vlog (I'm not promising it's exciting)