Saturday, January 29, 2011


So since Meghann posted an embarrassing picture of me in our last post...

Well I don't have any of her like that because I'm the one who eats caviar cheese like that.

Anyways, today me and a pastor were discussing church stuff (which is a regular occurrence in my life) and we were trying to decide on a good analogy for the difference between a committee based church structure and a ministry team based structure.

While many of you (assuming there are any of you readings this) may have no idea what I'm talking about, some of you might have a little of an idea. Either way I'll explain:

I go to the oldest baptist church in Colorado, cool right? yes, also that means there are some things that haven't changed in a while. The last time our constitution had a major update was the 1960's (which is longer than some churches last). I'm not saying the old constitution was bad, just not updated to all the changes in our culture. Lots has happened in the world and people think about things differently. So where committees could correctly handle the ministry of the church, today they'll have a harder time.

How it has worked in the past is the Nominating Committee gauges the needs of the church, nominates members for positions on other committees to do the ministry of the church. Now this works when the nominating committee knows the need as well as the gifting of certain members to meet those need. But it's hard for any group of people to see the entire vision of the church and know all of the gifts of it's members.

That's why our new pastor is pushing ministry teams. These teams will be started by people with the gifting and the knowledge of a need. They will recruit others with the same passions.

So there comes our discussion, what analogy can you provide to help people understand. You don't want to offend because many people were here the last time the bylaws were updated. So we decided on Tacos. I suggested that having a nominating committee is like going to the pantry with the intention of cooking mashed potatoes and fried chicken, not having any of the right ingredients but trying to make them anyways. The ministry team approach helps the situation because the people who've stocked the pantry will know we've got the ingredients for Tacos and decide we will make tacos.

I know that sounds weird and may not make any sense as all analogies break down eventually. but I like it. also I'm making Meghann tacos for dinner.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


Many people don't like the sound of 2011.

But we do because it means graduation!

So here's a picture from our Christmas Break to kick it off:
Keith will love this one.